Frequently Asked Questions

Swimming Pool Questions and Answers

Thank you for the opportunity to present our pool maintenance services to you! We offer you over 40 years experience of water treatment and maintenance for your pool. Whether your pool care needs require only a weekly chemical service or a more comprehensive maintenance program, we make it our top priority to keep you satisfied with the overall appearance and quality of water that you and your family can enjoy!

We offer you over 40 years experience of water treatment and maintenance for your pool.

How Often Do You Service My Pool?

We are a weekly service that will test and add chemicals on the same day and usually within the same 2 hour time frame each with all stakeholders.

How Will I Know When My Pool is Serviced?

At the start of service, we will provide a time card that will be placed inside your pool equipment's timer control box. Each week of service, the service technician will write the date and time of service. It is imperative that this card remain in the box and not exposed to the elements. Another way of knowing is that your pool is always balanced and algae free!

What Type of Chemicals Do You Use?

We apply only the highest quality chemicals to your swimming pool. We use liquid chlorine, hydrochloric acid, and cyanuric acid (conditioner/stabilizer), along with various types of algaecide, shock treatments and phosphate removers when needed. Most chemicals we use are included in our monthly service rate and Annual Specialty Chemical Fee, but sometimes other specialty chemicals are needed to specifically treat your pool for various conditions that may arise.

What is a Conditioner?

Conditioner (stabilizer/cyanuric acid) is a chemical added to swimming pools to slow down the decomposition of chlorine from the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV). It basically "holds" chlorine in the water long enough to sanitize and kill bacteria in the pool. It is a necessary chemical for each pool. At the start of service, our service technician will test the level and add conditioner at a charge of $3.00 per pound needed to bring up the level to between 80 - 100 ppm (parts per million). Once a year in the spring, we have an Annual Specialty Chemical Fee that will cover the conditioner needs of your pool for the year. Conditioner loss happens though water loss due to splash out or leaks. Please note: pools that leak water consistently may be assessed an added conditioner fee.

How Should My Pool Look With Your Service?

With our service, you will probably notice a marked improvement in water clarity as well as a more comfortable pool in which to swim. You might also notice that we are extremely efficient and will perform all of our duties at your pool quickly. Our service technicians have been trained to keep your pool chemically balanced at industry and health agency accepted levels. For your convenience, we place time card sheets in the timer control box for the service technician to write the date and time of service so that you know exactly when the pool was serviced. Remember, there should be no swimmers in the pool for one hour after servicing (This should be the case when any chemical is added to the water).

Do You Service on Holidays?

We perform our service every week with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's weeks. Our service technicians will add sufficient chemicals prior to these holidays to ensure that your pool remains fully chlorinated and balanced. Memorial Day, Labor Day and Independence Day are regular service days unless you advise us to skip any of those days due to swim parties or the like. If you do plan a large swim party, call our office the week before and we will add extra chemicals at no extra charge.

Are You Open on Weekends?

Our office hours are on a Monday through Friday schedule. Our service and repair technicians only work on those days as well. In the event of some emergency with your pool, we suggest shutting the equipment down if it is an equipment problem.

Can I Choose My Own Service Day?

Unfortunately, the routes we have are predetermined for service areas and cities, so we do not offer a choice in your service day.

How Long Should I Be Filtering?

FILTRATION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Aside from keeping the pool chemically balanced, filtration is the second most important component of a algae-free, clear and safe pool. The water in your pool needs to be "turned over" a least once per day. There are many factors that determine how long it will take to "turn over" all the water in your pool. We can determine that for your pool, or you can use the guide below. Your filter should be cleaned when the filter's pressure gauge indicates a 6-8 pound increase in pressure above the clean pressure. The diatomaceous earth filter should be serviced semi-annually, replacing any worn parts and thoroughly cleaning the filter grids. The filter element(s) in the cartridge filter need to be replaced every 3 or 4 years or sooner if indicated. Our recommendation for the amount of time that your filter should be in operation daily is:

  • Diatomaceous Earth Filter: 8 hours
  • Cartridge Filter: 10 hours
  • Sand Filter: 12 Hours

(Hours listed above are for summer months. Winter hours can be half the time)

What If My Pump is Running, But There's No Circulation?

If your pool pump is running and there is no water movement or suction that is noticeable, we suggest shutting off the pool pump and disengaging the timer mechanism so that it will not run until our repair technician can troubleshoot the problem. It is better not to risk damaging the motor or pump.

How Do You Bill Your Clients?

We bill in advance, and payment is due by the 15th of each service month. For instance, we will send out bills at the end of June for July service, and that payment is due by July 15th.

Can Solar Covers Be Kept On at all Times?

If you use a solar cover of any type, you should expose the surface of your pool water to the air 50% of the time. Your cover should be pulled back on service days. If it is not, we will pull the cover back three or four feet and we will purposely leave it pulled back so that the water can be exposed to the air for several hours. Leaving the pool cover on for long periods of time affects the chemistry of the water and promotes algae blooms.

How Do Solar Heating Systems Effect Filtration?

If you have a solar heating system in operation, be aware that your turnover rate for your pool water is greatly reduced. Increase filtration time accordingly to achieve the turnover required to keep the pool clear & algae free.

What Causes Cloudy Pool Water?

This condition is a result of insufficient filtration or an indication of a problem with your filtration system. It may also be an indication of a lack of chlorine or sanitizer–especially after a heavy bather load. If the pool was swum in, and your pool is painted, it could also be an indication that paint is chalking off.

Why Does an Algae Bloom Sometimes Take So Long to Disappear?

Because some strains of algae are more resistant than others, please allow us a reasonable period of time to completely eradicate it. The more resistant black algae will turn gray as it starts to die and will eventually disappear. Keeping your pool clean will aid in the treatment of algae.

Why Do Our Eyes Burn After We Swim?

Solutions to Eye Irritation

  1. Keep your pool clean
  2. Take necessary precautions to keep urine out of the pool
  3. Swimmers who have been perspiring heavily should shower before entering pool
  4. Do not add fresh water before you swim
  5. Follow our recommendations for daily filtering
  6. Keep your filter in good repair
  7. Follow our instructions on pool covers​

What Kind of Access is Needed at My Property?

Please provide easy access for our personnel. To keep your gate locked, please provide us with a key. Unfriendly dogs or pets should be kept locked up on service days. Because our competitive service rate is based on promptness and efficiency, we do not consistently ring doorbells to gain access. Please be certain that your young children are not in the pool area while your pool or equipment is being serviced.

Do You Sell Pool Products?

Yes! Should you need a pool cover, automatic pool cleaner, or any other type of equipment for your pool, please don't hesitate to call us for a price. We have very competitive prices and will also deliver it to your home on your service day at no additional cost.

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